Head Hunting

Searching, evaluating and selecting specialized professionals in all business areas to be hired directly by our customers.

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Providing professional services in different business areas which are given directly by OPTIMAL HUNTERS during the time required by the customer.

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Potential Talent Development

Selecting teams of young professionals with short work experience but with high potential, to be developed within the organization to cover key positions in the future that are difficult to get in the labor market.

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Individual and personal guidance addressed to support the organization´s Middle and Senior Management Levels in improving their leadership skills and performance through our extensive business experience and knowledge. Currently our Mentoring services cover seven strategic business topics.

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Conferences addressed to our customers’ teams about different Business Management areas. Currently our Conferences services cover seven strategic business topics.

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Head Hunting   |   Contracting   |   Potential Talent   |   Mentoring   |   Conferences

Calle 124 # 7C – 44 Office 505  Edificio Santalamó

Bogotá, Colombia

Phone Number: +57 -1 7495897