Head Hunting

Searching, evaluating and selecting specialized professionals in different business areas, to be hired by our customers with the type of contract they decide.

Profiles of these professionals are really challenging to get due the mix of experiences and abilities required demanding extreme care during the whole selection process.

OPTIMAL HUNTERS has two business units for Head Hunting:

  • Top & Senior Management Level

  • Middle Management Level

Our fees scheme for the Head Hunting solution works with the “Success Fee” concept, which means that fees are only charged once the requirement of our customer is covered and the professional is hired.

Head Hunting   |   Contracting   |   Potential Talent   |   Mentoring   |   Conferences

Calle 124 # 7C – 44 Office 505  Edificio Santalamó

Bogotá, Colombia

Phone Number: +57 -1 7495897